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Choosing a Clinic; the benefits of doctor led practices

Surprising as it may seem to some newbies to the aesthetics world not all clinics are run by doctors. Although the laws on aesthetics as a whole is changing and becoming more controlled there are still many unlicensed and inexperienced people offering treatments with no real medical background.

Aesthetics training takes more then just medical knowledge and understanding it also takes a keen eye. The doctors need to be able to advise the patient on what treatments will have the desired results.

My first appointment at an aesthetics clinic I went armed with photos of Angelina Jolie lips. I was quickly told that in fact a small adjustment to my lips and more emphasis on my cheeks and brows would make my face more attractive. I am glad I went with the practitioner’s advice. We cannot always see the changes we need to make in our own faces.

To express the importance of doctor led clinics I welcome Dr Rekha Tailor the founder of health + aesthetics a multi-award clinic of excellence in Farnham, Surrey for interview.

Dr Rekha, thank you for speaking with The Treatment Tester. Please tell me a little about your background.

Hi Gina, thank you for inviting me to your blog.

I am the Founder and Medical Director of health + aesthetics clinic in Farnham.

I have been practising in medicine for over 28 years! Graduating from Manchester Medical School, I am a full member of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine, and the Royal Collage of General Practitioners. I am also affiliated with The British College of Aesthetic Medicine, The British Medical Laser Association and The British Menopause Society.

I have over 13 years’ experience in the aesthetics industry, mainly in non-surgical cosmetic procedures. In 2008 I decided to set up my own cosmetic medical clinic, health + aesthetics, in Surrey. We specialise in innovative anti-ageing, injectable, laser, weight-loss and various other treatments.

You mention some of the treatments you offer, what else you do?

The list is pretty extensive you can see more on the website here.

Our vision is to provide the best, safe, effective evidence-based treatments with the highest standard of care in safe and comfortable state of the art facilities. We use the best devices, superior products and have a skilled team. Treatments are for both face and body.

We offer advanced results based treatments. We provide an extensive range of non-invasive aesthetic treatments, as well as body sculpting and weight loss procedures. We provide only the very best evidence based treatments that are proven to be clinically safe and effective.

We are well known for the wide variety of laser treatments that we provide especially the Femilift treatment.

The Femilift is a revolutionary new treatment which uses laser technology to stimulate collagen growth to rejuvenate and tighten vaginal tissue. During the ageing process, the vaginal tissue loses collagen and elasticity. This loss of elasticity is also increased after childbirth. In the long term, this can result in stress incontinence, vaginal soreness and dryness, vaginal infections and reduced sexual fulfilment.

What makes your clinic different from say central London based clinics?

Firstly, we are a doctor led clinic. In the UK, there are many people who are not medical and so are not qualified. They also use products and equipment which have not undergone trials with regards to safety and effectiveness . As a result, patients are at a huge risk of developing complications (some of which are very difficult or impossible to treat) or simply not achieving any results.

We offer detailed consultations and assessment prior to any treatment with a qualified practitioner. We will discuss the different treatment options available and assess your suitability.

Following the consultation, we will develop a bespoke, personal treatment plan taking into account your concerns and your budget.

We are registered with the Care Quality Commission. This means that health + aesthetics is monitored and assessed regularly to ensure that it provides safe, effective and high-quality care.

We offer a totally confidential service. We put the utmost value on patient privacy and confidentiality.

Secondly, we offer a nice alternative to city clinics. We are located just outside the main hustle and bustle of the town of Farnham. You can access us from major train and tube lines. Although we are a medial clinic we are very inviting as we reside in a listed 200 years old, stylish a discrete building. Something our clients really like.

The clinic is proving popular and winning awards, where do you see things going from here?

Our immediate plan is to develop a larger purpose-built easily accessible clinic in Surrey. In the future, we plan to have more clinics throughout Surrey and Hampshire. We would then offer more treatments to our already extensive list.

In the future I think the treatments will be even less invasive, deliver quicker results and will also be longer lasting. This fits with people’s lifestyles now and demands.

Do you have any words of advice for people considering booking aesthetic treatments or procedures?

Always see a qualified medical practitioner with several years of experience in aesthetic medicine. Also make sure that the treatments that you receive have undergone trials with regards to safety and effectiveness.

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