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Forza Shake It Slim

I have tried a lot of quick fix diets in my time from slim-fast and cabbage soup to ridiculous and disgusting Maple Syrup Diet.

I have learnt that although the quick fixes work, you lose more water than fat meaning the results do not last. Plus I turn into the incredible hulk when I am hungry.

One thing I do like is milkshakes, usually the full fat vanilla shake in MacDonald’s but anyone will do. For this reason I jumped at the chance to try Forza Shake it slim meal replacement shakes.

The shakes come in three flavours – chocolate, strawberry and my favourite vanilla. I had a 7 day trail pack allowing me to have two shakes a day in place of my usual breakfast and lunch. At just 204 calories a shake I allowed myself some healthy snacks in between (an apple and some vegetable batons most days).

The best part for me what the ease of the shakes. I have used other diet shakes before like Cambridge diet and the powders always end up lumpy regardless of the shaker. Shake it Slim isn’t like that, the shake was smoother with no lumps and didn’t settle at the bottom of the shaker. Nor was it like tar when I tried to wash the container.

The shakes are made with water so you are not restricted with your size- you can have a large or small shake, thicker or thinner plus it makes it easy when you are on the go. With milk based shakes you need to measure your amount etc etc.

The whole week I felt great, I didn’t feel dizzy or hungry like I usually do and the shakes helped me consume more water which I struggle to do in a day. The best part I managed to lose 4 pounds in my first week. You may not think it’s that much but I generally eat healthily and well. I do not keep sweets or crisps in the house to avoid temptation and rarely eat out or have takeaways. I expect in week two I will not lose as many pounds but this steady decrease suits me as it means the fat stays off longer.

A week supply is less then £25.99 making it less than £2 a meal! Also keep a look out online for special offers and get it even cheaper!

©2016 The Treatment Tester

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