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Beauty Kitchen - Men’s Skincare E-Wash

Men’s Skincare E-Wash is marketed as a multi-purpose skin care product that targets all of the key parts of the body. E-wash is made from 100% natural ingredients and is people tested not animal test. The USP for me with this product is the brands (Beauty Kitchen) heritage, set-up in Glasgow by Jo-Anne Chidley from a single store with the simple ethos of “inspiring people to buy natural products not because they think they should, but because they really work.”

Now to the actual product itself, simple & straightforward application, pump action and easy to apply. The smell is noticeably fresh with a strong smell of citrus. I found that the fragrance hangs around for some time leaving your body smelling fresh especially after a long day.

Its smell might be something to do with the lemon, peppermint, lavender and spearmint essential oils giving a ‘wake-up’ fragrance.

It is also easy to wash off your skin and is multipurpose for use on your hair and skin, effectively leaving it soft and clean, with no irritation.

I have bought into the Beauty Kitchen ethos and feel that this product is a good purchase and am looking forward to trying the whole range. In addition, they do offer some pretty cool tartan bags.

Brands can talk a good talk but how many actually walk the walk. I hope that this focus on natural ingredients continues.

E-Wash (£7.99 for 150ml)

Beauty Kitchen Men’s Skincare is available exclusively from Holland & Barrett and

©2016 The Treatment Tester

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