Back in February I wrote about my experience with AQUALYX fat dissolving injections, you can read it here.
Like most ‘fat loss’ treatments I was very sceptical at first. After seeing some before and after images from Visage Aesthetics and speaking to Ruth, the Clinic Coordinator for the Academy, I was warming to the idea and booked in.
The results have been incredible! After one treatment I have successfully lost those stubborn pockets of fat sitting on my hips. My clothes fit much nicer, the fabric lays on my curves bump free and my silhouette is much smoother. Completely convinced I booked in again in March (just before lockdown!).
Dr Aicken, cofounder and lead at Visage Aesthetics, who operate both Dublin, Belfast, London and Birmingham, informed me that I can have more than one course of AQUALYX per area, up to 6 times. It all depends on the results you want and the effectiveness of the treatment per course. You must allow some time between treatments (at least 6 weeks) for the treatment to work and for your body to totally recover. After my last treatment I had bruising, swelling and my skin had a bumpy appearance. It is certainly not a treatment you want before your holiday. Ruth also advised me to wear spandex or some kind of body contouring our control underwear. This helps to reduce the swelling and speed up the heeling. These are all things to consider when choosing when to get your treatment. Timing is key!
I chose to have a second round of injections in my hips followed by a new treatment for my inner thighs. This is an area that has been the bane of my life for a long time. I have tried numerous exercises, weight loss programs, creams, and gadgets to rid myself of these pockets of fat in search of the so-called ‘Toblerone Tunnel’. Although I have a thigh gap (some may say this is enviable) I had pockets of fat at the top of my inner thigh before the legs hollowed out. It makes the silhouette of my legs look odd and lumpy.
This is not a usual area to be injected so I was conscious it might be more sensitive but I was coated in numbing cream and felt perfectly comfortable. The treatment itself took no more than 30 minutes with a course of injections across a grid drawn on my inner thigh. It is definitely one of those lunchtime treatments that fits with modern life. I hopped on the train and went home to squeeze into my spandex immediately after my visit. The treatment itself is uncomfortable but not painful and the bruises after are not sore but just ugly. I wouldn't be getting my legs out any time soon.
The expected bruising and swelling began the next morning and this lasted for about a week. My inner thighs were sore and tender but only to touch not in general. In fact it felt more like I had been on a really intense gym session working out my legs.
Needless to say the results of round two on my hips have been great and my first round on the inner thighs has been fantastic! Not only have I lost over 1cm per thigh I have also noticed a big difference in my leg outline. You can see a much smoother and straighter curve in the inner thigh with a less bumpy appearance. The results speak for themselves.